Wednesday 4 May 2011

Even the local mammals love the Creperie!

Becoming quite an institution, all wafes and strays, nationalities and walks of life. The Creperie welcomes all with open arms and ''The best crepes of all the world'' - Patrick and Benedict, Munich.
Nestled under a spreading Oak tree in a far corner of Les Trois Pignons forest near Milly La Foret, every night the Creperie opens its doors. Two chapati pans from New Delhi steam up to the point as the first crepe lovers take their stumps around the fire as the sun sets in a dusky haze after the heat of the day. A ladle of fresh crepe batter hits the hot pan with a sizzle, the mixture perfected over time and mixed with fresh free range eggs. The sweet odours of crepes fill the air as the campers and climbers arrive for their evening session at The Creperie. Fifteen creperie nights have passed in a row and the stories, shared ideas and contacts and conversations have flowed. Regulars have established themselves and others have past through and left perhaps to return again. Word has reached all corners of the forest and creperie pilgrims are travelling from far afield for the creperie delights.

Inspiring travellers and whole families the creperie has become to know: Boris, Bettina and the babies from Germany, Norbert and his boys from Munich, Libby and the girls (Ruby the chicken will be your heir..) The Scottish family- Eaden thanks for the chicken drawbridge design, it will be utilised when the chickens finally arrive ! The German cave hunters, the sarcastic Austrians, the fascinating Lithuanians, the chocolate and coconut lovers, the brits life savers and bush crafters, The army an long-coats, the cool red VW campers, the Sheffield pirate cyclists (hope you guys got home ok?) Ollie, the resident forest gent(our longest standing Creperie regular...keep those lemon and sugar bien cuir coming!, the lovely Chris and Claire, to name but a few....

The Creperie has restocked and now has a healthy looking store out the back and the relocation to a more central spot has decreased the number of lost pilgrims in the night. and increased passing trade. Some nights the queues have a 20 minute wait for their crepe orders. Developments have continued now with the new addition of the table football which has been popular with heated head torch-lit tournaments progressing in to the wee hours. Beers, wine and soft drinks have been added to the menu and late night carry-outs have been plentiful.
Marchmallow sticks for toasting have also been a hit!
Choice of crepe fillings has hit wild combinations such as one favourite as noted in the creperie visitors book by some adventurous Germans as "Nutella, chilli, strawberry and apple"!!!!The savoury special of melted cheese, chilli, mayonaise and herbs is still a big hit, but the number 1 hit with the masses still stands as Nutella!
Music-wise the Creperie slides in to dusk with some smooth old time jazz from the old faithful Parisian radio station TSF 99.1 (designed to reduce road rage on the Peripherique). Later as the crowds get settled the MP3 music box kicks in with numbers such as The Doors, Hendrix, Dylan, Velvet Underground, Black Angels and more selected numbers.The guitar comes out from time to time especially for lock ins where tunes such as 'Day Light come and me wanna go home' can be heard in to the wee hours.


  1. Brilliant!! Oh i wana be there! And is that a baby fox in the photo above? x

  2. That was Annie btw - on dad's computer. Cant wait to join in the creperie fun at end of June, and bring on the bouldering!!! x
